Amin Hosseini is the founder and CEO of TanPak.

Amin is an electronic engineer who specializes in the creative design and development of innovative products for different sectors of the medical industry.

He has been an active member of the Inventors Center and the Center for Science and Innovations of the Mazandaran province of Iran for the past ten years.

Amin Hosseini

CEO / Founder

Shadman Haghighat

CTO / Founder

Our vision is to give independence, freedom, and comfort to as many disabled, spinal cord
injury sufferers and elderlies in the world who need them.

Shadman Haghighat is the CTO and cofounder of Tanpak.

Shadman brings a lot of knowledge and expertise in the areas of hardware design and business management. Shadman holds an MBA and a MSc. Degree in mechanical engineering form one of the most reputable universities in Iran (University of Tehran). He has also found and managed a successful consulting firm in Iran which makes him highly specialized in enterprise development, human resource management, business development and financial management. .

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